Success StoriesTRACE. 1st grade. Hereford. For 6 months, Trace experienced daily headaches and fatigue so extreme that she was "struggling just to function." Trace was examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist twice, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a chiropractor, and a pediatrician. Finding nothing wrong with this healthy 6 year old, they concluded that "1st grade was just too stressful." After Optometric Vision Therapy, Trace's headaches have vanished, she enjoys school, and she easily makes good grades. As a 3rd grader, she excitedly reported she PASSED the TAKS tests with high scores! Her mother recently told us with tears in her eyes, "Trace came home from school crying the other day... (Remembering the frequent tears from frustration years ago, she was afraid.) Trace said she was so overwhelmed by how WELL she was doing!"
CORBIN. 1st Grade. Dalhart. BEFORE VT: "He struggled so much in school with reading & writing... Homework took hours to complete and it was a battle to get him to even attempt it." AFTER VT: "We are so grateful to the VTC for our son's success. Corbin now loves reading & does so without being told. His grades & performance in school has improved dramatically. Corbin can now be successful in his learning & has the confidence to try anything!"
SYDNIE. 2nd Grade. Amarillo. BEFORE VT: Her mom said, "It is very difficult as parents to watch her struggle to do her homework. She often get emotional while working." AFTER VT: "Sydnie went from a 1st grade reading level to a 3rd grade level in 6 months!" Sydnie is "much happier! The emotional breakdowns over homework do not happen as often."
STEPHEN. 5th Grade. Amarillo. BEFORE VT: Life was stressful for Stephen. "Homework was a nightmare." AFTER VT: Homework is no longer like pulling teeth. Stephen has been reading on his own without being asked. He is not as stressed about school, and now has an interest in reading.
CHARRIS. 3rd Grade. Amarillo. BEFORE VISION THERAPY: “Charris was not interested in homework, did not want to read at all. Complained about it being too hard and confusing. Homework was a struggle.” AFTER VISION THERAPY: “Charris is HAPPY. She is enjoying school, and loves reading. She does get frustrated at times, but she know she is doing her best, and will take time to catch up. Therapy was successful for Charris." Reported by her mother in January 2010.
ERIC. 3rd Grade. Dalhart. BEFORE VISION THERAPY: Eric’s parents and teacher were concerned about him not performing up to his potential in school. “Times of frustration” and reading not as easy as it should. AFTER VISION THERAPY: “Things are better, and he has more confidence. Vision Therapy has helped Eric progress in his ability to use his eyes.” Reported by his parents upon graduation in December 2009.
LANG. 2nd Grade. Hereford.
BEFORE VISION THERAPY: It was common for Lang to be “frustrated, feel stupid, no self-confidence. ‘I Can’t! I can’t!’” His parents felt at a loss of how to help him.
AFTER VISION THERAPY: Lang is “more confident, tries to read, self esteem has improved. He now says,‘I will try! I think I can!’ Vision therapy has been extremely helpful! Would encourage other parents to have their children tested,” says Lang's mother after completion of two vision therapy programs in August 2009.
NICHOLAS. 2nd Grade. Canyon. BEFORE VT: "Low self-esteem, crying, begging not to return to school." Endless hours of homework were taxing on the family. AFTER VT: Nicholas's self-esteem has improved with a huge sense of accomplishment. He loves to read. He enjoys school now, and home is "not a chore."
AIMEE. 6th Grade. Clovis. BEFORE VISION THERAPY: Aimee had difficulty in reading. “She wants to read grade level books, but struggles and that causes her to feel different from her classmates.” She would get frustrated easily, especially with homework.
AFTER VISION THERAPY: Aimee is “more confident in what she is doing. Works to understand what she is doing instead of just giving up." About midway through the program, Aimee's dad said, "Yesterday while doing homeork, Aimee read out loud to her mom and I, & she did wonderfully! No missed words or phrases. We already see improvement in her reading tempo." |